About Ikaw

Ikaw & Co.

This brand was produced with the vision that all people should embrace their own individuality. In the society we live in today, we are raised to think that we are meant to follow a blueprint. Following that blueprint brings in income, but does not speak to who we really are. We end up burning out and forgetting what matters most to us. Most of us regret not following the things in our lives that we are truly passionate about. That is why a key point of this brand is to introduce the explore the idea of "Ikaw." 

What does "Ikaw " Mean?

Ikaw [pronounced E - cow] is a word in Tagalog. The word Ikaw translates to "you" in English. This word is the focalpoint of our brand because it gives homage to the brand creator's heritage and points towards our goal of focusing on being yourself. Another way to look at Ikaw & Co. is that this brand is more about an emphasis you, and we are your company, or companions, on the journey of finding yourself.

About the Logo

The Ikaw & Co. logo went through a long process of creation. Originally, It was meant to me more of a varsity feeling logo or a clean cool logo, but ultimately, it did not meet the vision of being yourself. Ultimately, The logo was written out by hand by the owner, Gabe Cajes, and it was determined that it was the embodiment of what the brand was going for. Adding onto the handwritten "Ikaw and Co," the mango looking object was supposed to by an imperfect oval as being yourself is not always a perfect thing that can be framed. The shades of brown were chosen as the primary colors because in reality, all people are just different types of brown. Brown is what humans are and that is a characteristic of one self.

Meet the owner

Gabe Cajes was born in New York City, but essentially raised in New Jersey his whole life. He centers his philosophy around being honest and authentic to yourself and to others. He uses this philosophy to create a standard for his attitudes in all his work. Since he has finished his education, the majority of his work was based around Human Services in low-income neighborhoods, specifically in Paterson. He is now finishing his M. A. in School Counseling and is eager to help continue his work to raise the future of high school students. Gabe aims to helps students follow the path that they are passionate about rather than what will put the most money in their pockets. He truely believes individuals will be most successful if they are authentic to their own selves. This brand that he has created is an extension on his philosophy of being your true authentic self.

"If we can't live our lives being entirely yourself, then are we really living?"

G. C.